After St. Petersburg, our next stop is Murmansk – the largest city northwards from the polar cycle. The sea never freezes here because of the Gulf stream, so it is also one of the major Russian ports. But first things first. We relatively quickly reached the area of the polar day. We will be a bit confused during “night” as we won’t know whether we’ve just gone to bed or whether it is actually time to get up already. On the other hand, we no longer have to worry about not setting up our tent on time, while it is still light. The weather is still nice so while crossing the polar cycle we can make nice photos of our car in just a T-shirt. By the way even the locals come here to take pictures of themselves. The only difference being they come from the north… Between the forests we can already see first snowy hills. Wonderful landscape…. it however soon transforms into a hard to describe Moon-like environment with a few blackened trees. The ignorant mining and processing of ores during the Soviet Union era has taken its toll. The worst situation is in the city of Mončegorsk, located in the center of this apocalypse. It reminds us of the Steel city from Jules Verne.
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